What is Truth?

The last two weeks have been incredibly informative as well as incredibly challenging. The week before last was Biblical Overview with Jeremy. The tone of the week was much different than other weeks, in that the topic was more educational rather than personally searching. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Starting with discussing our favorite books (mine's Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis), Jeremy was willing to entertain all our questions concerning the validity of sections of the Bible, why some books were canonized and others not, and many others.

Because of my years in college, I would say I questioned what Jeremy said more than the others, but I came away realizing that each side will have their version of "truth." Unless I decide to devote myself to seeking out the facts and reading the experts, I won't choose to extol any particular view - secular or religious - as to the Bible's validity. God can defend himself. The Truth of Jesus and what God shows me through the Bible is enough for me and my relationship with him. It's up to each individual to choose that kind of faith and relationship. I can't make anyone, can't "prove it" to anyone.

Tijuana bound!
Speaking of truth, the following week our DTS packed up and headed to the YWAM base in Tijuana (TJ). The speaker, Daniel, was all about having us question what was true and what we believed in. It reminded me very vividly of my Theory of Knowledge (TOK) classes in high school, so I don't think I was as thrown off as some of my peers. My fellow IB students can relate, the practice of re-examining our assumptions and beliefs was difficult. So it was for many this last week.

Class-time shenanigans 
"You don't have to agree with me," Daniel said. "It doesn't matter if you agree or get anything from the speakers, because the more important thing is going to God and seeking His truth. No other truth matters." And with that I began to realize that my searching has been half-hearted, because I thought that trusting what others said, what speakers said, would be enough. But if I am to be in RELATIONSHIP with God, than I need to go to the source. God is the only one who can tell me about himself.

What kind of God is this, who doesn't demand anything of me yet asks everything of me? He is a God who won't let me earn my salvation, because he already paid that price. All he wants is my love, my response to him and his sacrifice! What God is this, who is infinite and personal! As I learn more, he is truly a God I want to fall in love with, a God I want to follow with my all. May that continue to be true in my life. Because it's not about the "incredible" experiences, because if that was true the Israelites wouldn't have wandered in the desert for 40 years! No, it's about the daily surrender and walking together with a God who calls me his, and I get to say he is mine.


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