In Summary...

First week of February whoo! Here are some of my highlights:
  • The Uganda outreach is back! Why is this so important? I got to see Diego for the first time in eight years. Crazy how the time flies. Also, it's a small world after all.
  • Carnival began, so no rest for this group. Our base sits right outside the main stage and music goes until 2am, so earplugs are a MUST for sleep. Only a couple more days of festivities. We're counting the days.
  • God has been speaking a lot recently, or maybe it's that I'm realizing what I've been processing from lecture and with friends is truly from God and not just my own brain making it up.
  • Tacos continue to be a must!
  • I went surfing! It was my second time, and I caught a wave so big that I went screaming over my friend Debbie!
  • My friend Rachel came to visit. Her and I worked together at a camp in Idaho, but she lives in Colorado. Recently, she decided to take a staff position at YWAM Yosemite, so she was road tripping down and decided to just swing by Mexico and come see me. What a dear!
    • Another "small world" moment: one of the staff here, Danny, is friends with the guy that STARTED the YWAM Yosemite base.
  • My guitar skills are improving slowly but surely. I try to practice a little each day and just discovered the joys of playing with a pick. Next week I'll post a video of me playing. 
This is only a taste of what's been going on! Check out my longer post about this week here.


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